Affordable Audiophile Cred – The Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base
In the world of vinyl, I see lots of unnecessary (and some that are very useful) gear for most setups. This includes ultra-expensive isolation stands for all manner of gear. Yet, here I am, reviewing one! Well, at $119, the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base is not nearly as expensive as other “audiophile” isolation stands. Plus, I can see why someone might want to add this to their setup after using it. Let’s discuss.
The Looks
I am not going to spend a ton of time on the looks. Fluance has been making gorgeous-looking turntables for years. This isolation stand is one of their turntable plinths without the gear on top. It comes in three finishes: walnut, black, and white. The finish on all three is flawless and will mix with all your other gear, regardless of price.

It sits atop four adjustable rubber feet and has a built-in bubble level on top to ensure you get it perfectly level. These rubber feet are doing all the heavy lifting here. They are quite substantive and pretty squishy. That means that these feet are designed to absorb some vibrations.

Lastly, it’s hefty, weighing in at 10.4 pounds. It measures 2.44 x 17.13 x 14.96 inches. This allows you to sit your Fluance (or another brand) turntable or other 17” audio gear on top of it. For instance, an AV receiver will be in the range of 17.1 x 13.0 inches. If your gear is the size of your AV receiver or smaller, it will fit on the Flurance IB40 isolation base just fine.
The step up is dead simple. Place the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base on your stand. Then adjust the individual feet up or down until the built-level is centered. It is that simple.

I have installed more turntables than I care to admit. Somewhere in my travels, I acquired (and lost) a small level designed to slip over the center spindle of the turntable to allow for easy leveling. I forgot how convenient it was to build a level into a device. This is a smart move on Fluance’s part. Best of all, it’s hidden when you are done.
Use Case For The Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base
I know for a lot of folks, there is not a burning need for a separate isolation base. However, some actual uses for this isolation base make it worth the price tag.
Use One – Leveling An Older Turntable
Many older turntables didn’t come with adjustable feet. The same applies to some bargain or entry-level gear. The Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base is a perfect solution for this.
The Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base allows you to level out that older turntable (or CD player), allowing you to ensure it is playing at its very best. (Editor’s note: This is little evidence that any device outside of a turntable needs to be leveled. CD players, in particular, hold the disc in place. But if it makes you feel better, I guess?)
Better yet, if you have an older piece of furniture that is not level (or if your floor isn’t level), you can still use it and ensure your turntable is level. My dad has his Fluance RT-81 on top of a repurposed sewing machine table that is decidedly not level! The Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base would be a perfect solution for him.
Use Two – Eliminating Vibrations
The primary use case of an isolation base is to eliminate unwanted vibrations. However, in most cases, very few vibrations will impact a more modern (and high-mass) turntable plinth.

But what about those older turntables that didn’t have the advantage of high-mass plinths and rubber feet to absorb vibrations? More importantly, what about those old homes where the floor transmits vibrations readily? My grandparents lived in a 100+ year-old house. When Nan was playing a record, you had to tip-toe past the record player, lest your footstep skip it.
Plus I had a couple of older CD players that would skip if you looked at them wrong. Had I known that there would have been a more affordable option to keep them from skipping, I would have kept them in my system. As I said, the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base is a perfect option for older, less-damped gear. (Editor’s Note: That is either a POS player or broken somehow. Upgrade time!)
Let’s not forget bass! Some folks are forced to put their subwoofers near their gear. Some kick drums and bass cellos can reach down to 40hz. With the right subwoofers, that’s more than enough to produce vibrations that could cause a tiny needle to skip out of a groove. Sure, we could turn down the bass. But why have subwoofers?
Use Three – Looks
If you look at a lot of high-end audiophile setups, you often see isolation bases under turntables (and other gear). I will be the first to tell you that it most likely is not needed, but it looks pretty cool.
You heard me right, aesthetics is a real thing and there is nothing wrong with adding a little bit of audiophile cred to your setup on the cheap. At $119, the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base is not crazy expensive and looks amazing. I am all for adding something that makes you happy, just ‘cause.
Does It Work?
In a word, yes, but there is a caveat. My test was simple. I used an impact massage gun about 4″ from the turntable on my MDF kitchen counter. I went from the lowest setting, all the way up to “Summon me a sandworm!”, and created some steady vibrations. When I wasn’t using the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base, I could get my turntable to transmit the vibrations through the needle at about setting two. At level four it skipped pretty consistently.

With the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base, I could not make the needle skip, even at the highest settings. At level two, I didn’t get a single audible reaction from my turntable. At level four, I started to hear the vibrations through the needle, but only slightly. That tells me that those four additional rubber feet, plus a slab of MDF did something.

The caveat? That was a pretty extreme test. Unless you have people jackhammering by your turntable, I can’t think of any way to transmit such a consistent vibration. However, it does exactly what it claims to do: dampen vibrations, without breaking the bank.
Our Take
At $119, the Fluance IB40 Turntable Isolation Base is what I would consider a mid-tier luxury. It has some serious real-world benefits if you have a use for them. But if you want to have it because it looks good and makes you feel good, it’s not a crazy amount to spend on aesthetics.
Who would this work for? My dad has his turntable on something uneven and doesn’t want to get something more modern and level. This is an easy way for him to use his antique piece of furniture and keep using his rig!
It would also work for me. I own enough vintage players that are sensitive to vibration. It would allow me to walk by one of my vintage players without a skip! Do I recommend it? Sure. With reservations. If you need an isolation base, the Fluance IB40 is a great option for a turntable. If you want to spruce up your rack but don’t want to drop a ton of cash, it’s also a great option.