Can Dirac Fix My Home Theater?
Room correction has never really done much to fix the acoustics of your room. Can Dirac finally fix your home theater acoustics? Continue Reading
Room acoustics including diffusors, absorbers and bass traps.
Room correction has never really done much to fix the acoustics of your room. Can Dirac finally fix your home theater acoustics? Continue Reading
One of the common questions we get is how to best decouple your speakers. Today we discuss some no-cost and low-cost option. Let's discuss! Continue Reading
You can't understand what people are saying on your TV. Would adding a diffuser help you better hear dialogue? Let's discuss. Continue Reading
Want to understand home theater diffusers so you can know if they are right for you? We address how they work and when you'd need Continue Reading
I don't have perfect placement and I don't care! But for the AV enthusiast, does it matter? Not as much as you think! Let’s discuss! Continue Reading
One common question we see is how to blend room treatments into your space. With a bit of know-how, planning, and creativity, it's a snap! Continue Reading
People often want to know what is the single best upgrade they can do to improve their home theaters. You probably won't like the answer. Continue Reading
With your subwoofer - should you use the EQ on it or with your Audyssey or Dirac room correction? Where do you EQ first or Continue Reading