Why Do TVs Come In Power-Saving Mode?
A common question I read lately is, why do TVs come in power-saving (or Eco) mode? I would love to explain something interesting to you, but the answer is pretty bland. The question then becomes, should I keep it in power-saving mode and is there a benefit? Let’s discuss.
Power-Saving Mode And Regulations
That’s right folks, the boring reason that TVs get shipped in power-saving mode is that there are regulations in the US, EU, Canada, and numerous countries that dictate how much power any device can draw to meet the energy consumption target. The most widely recognized standard in the world is the Energy Star standard. I know that almost everyone reading this article will have purchased something with the logo!

The goal of these laws was to force manufacturers to design products that were more energy-efficient. TVs consume quite a bit of energy, especially in “Vivid” or “Bright” picture settings. Historically, TVs have arrived in one of these higher-energy modes out of the box.
The Workaround
Obviously, manufacturers wanted to make bigger and brighter TVs. With HDR and wider color gamuts, cutting power consumption was not an option. So they developed a workaround. Rather than figuring out some way to meet these regulations, manufacturers added energy-saving modes that will allow something like a TV, to meet the specified maximum power consumption for your country and that device. They then configured their TVs so that they were in Eco or energy-saving mode out of the box. This fulfilled the regulation while giving you, the consumer, the ability to have a brighter, bigger TV with more power-hungry modes available.

Should You Switch Your TV Out of Power-Saving Mode?
It sort of depends on what you want out of your TV. Do you want to be able to see your image clearly in a brightly lit room? You’ll need to change the picture mode to something brighter. Do you want to fully experience HDR as it was meant to be seen? Your TV will need more power than an Eco mode will provide. We’re not saying you MUST change your TV out of power-saving mode. We’re saying if you want to get the best performance and picture, you will probably want to.
Plus, overall, it’s a good thing for most non-enthusiasts. Almost every TV (except my OLED) was unboxed with VIVID mode and full motion processing defaulted. That means that most non-enthusiasts will keep it as is, and think that is what a good picture looks like. How do I know? I have had to suffer through plenty of content at my buddy’s places with horribly saturated colors.
Our Take
We get why TV manufacturers ship their TVs in Eco Mode – they have to or they will be fined into the stone age! That said, it’s not as if they are physically limiting the performance of your TV. A couple of clicks of a remote and you will have those bright HDR settings available to you. In all honesty, it’s easier to get your TV looking better (IMO) from Eco Mode, rather than having to go into the menu and shut everything off.