Monoprice 8k HDMI Cables, Switches, 4k Displays Announced
It's CES 2023 and Monoprice announced some new 8k HDMI cables, switches, 4k displays, and even an affordable CNC router! Let's take a look! Continue Reading
It's CES 2023 and Monoprice announced some new 8k HDMI cables, switches, 4k displays, and even an affordable CNC router! Let's take a look! Continue Reading
People often want to know what is the single best upgrade they can do to improve their home theaters. You probably won't like the answer. Continue Reading
Many people reach out to us and on forums asking about powering on two devices at once. We've got a couple of solutions for you! Continue Reading
With your subwoofer - should you use the EQ on it or with your Audyssey or Dirac room correction? Where do you EQ first or Continue Reading
Should you place your surround speakers as recommended in relation to the TV or around your off-center couch? What to do? Continue Reading
Today we focus on the NexusLink G.HN 2000 WAVE 2 Ethernet Adapters! A great solution if you need to extend connectivity to a room! Continue Reading
AV Enthusiasts are raving about Dirac Live. But I switched from Audyssey to Dirac and I wish I hadn't. Let's discuss! Continue Reading
Surge protectors are not enough for your home theater equipment. They work just fine for most electronics, but not your AV gear. Here's why. Continue Reading