Never Lose a Charger Again! Locksocket Charger and Cable Lock Review
I get a lot of random emails promoting a lot of random products. Sometimes, one strikes me in just the right mood to think, “You know what? That might be a cool review!” Weeks later, it arrives on my doorstep and I have to figure out why I might have come to that conclusion. With the Locksocket charger and cable locks, that wasn’t the case. The more I thought about the product, the more uses I could come up with for it. You might think this is sort of pointless and maybe even inconvenient. But I assure you, it isn’t. After installing a few Locksocket charger and cable locks around the house, I can assure you that I’m never removing them! Let’s discuss!
What Are Locksockets?
In short, Locksocket offers a number of charger and cable locks. These connect directly to your outlet to keep your charger and cable in place. Maybe a picture will help.

The idea is simple. Locksocket provides a way to secure your charger and cable to your existing outlet. You simply swap out the standard screw with one of the provided screws which will hold the cable and charger securely to the wall. This makes it impossible to take the charger off the wall (or the cable out of the charger) without removing the Locksocket from the wall. This requires the use of the provided extra-long Allen wrench.

Types of Locksockets
There are currently a number of different Locksocket models on the market. Each is designed to mate perfectly with specific charger or cable shapes and models. For this review, they sent the standard three-prong model:

And a new model that currently isn’t available for purchase. This one is adjustable. It has two posts that can be attached to the wall with a curved piece that can be pushed onto the posts. This is designed to be used with larger three-pronged plugs that are common for home theater gear (especially amplifier plugs).

The units were provided in both red and white. For this review, I simply used them on some chargers I had in my kitchen. When you purchase, you’ll want to order the ones that are specifically designed for your charger and cable combo. This will ensure that you get the best fit and that the cable will not be able to be removed from the charger.
I’m being literal when I say it took me longer to find a screwdriver to remove the faceplate screw on my outlet cover than it did to install the first Locksocket. You simply remove the screw, place the charger (with the cable attached) into the Locksocket, and secure it on top of the outlet cover with the included screw. With the new, adjustable Locksocket, it was even easier. The post unit is secured to the wall with the screw (make sure that it is oriented properly, the curved piece only goes on one side). After the post is secured, the cable and/or charger can be plugged in and the curved piece slid over the top.

If I had one complaint (and I literally only had one), it was that the three-prong Locksocket unit slightly overlapped the second outlet:

This shouldn’t be a problem most of the time. If you have outlets with the screws on the outside (as shown in most of Locksocket’s marketing materials, then this won’t be a problem. But if you have standard outlets with one, centrally located, screw, then you’ll have to be a little careful. This wasn’t a problem with the newer model.

When I first installed the Locksockets, it seemed very passive-aggressive. “Don’t touch my cable!” Certainly, the red Locksocket models let people know you are securing your cable and charger so it can’t be removed from the wall. The white versions (since nearly every wall charger these days is white) blend better and look more natural.

The reality is that the Locksockets aren’t so much about trying to keep people from “stealing” your chargers but to make sure they aren’t “borrowed” and not returned. My kids love to take the nearest charger and cable to school with them and immediately losing them. We also have pets that aren’t so respectful of our chargers and will knock them loose. Locksockets make sure that these events are avoided for cables and chargers that you know you want to be available at all times.
In my house, once I secured a couple of chargers, my family started changing their behaviors. Instead of grabbing the charger in the kitchen, they walked a couple of feet to their room and grabbed their own charger. Let them lose that one! No one complained or even commented on them. Suddenly, the chargers that I expected to be available, were! It was great!
We all have plugs and chargers that we don’t want to be removed or knocked loose. Your refrigerator, coffee maker, or other device that needs power all qualify. If you have kids who love to “borrow” your phone charger or cable, Locksocket is the perfect solution. It is easy to install (and replace if necessary) and offers just enough deterrent to keep people from taking your charger and accidents from unplugging your devices. It’s hard NOT to recommend the Locksocket products! The red versions send a message not to touch your things while the white versions blend enough not to draw attention. Recommended!